Author talks, workshops & mini presentations
Author Story Time
My favourite thing to do is read my books at libraries and community events, where I have the opportunity to connect directly.
For every one of my books, I create 2 free activities that amplify my message - so I come with more than just stories, but activities too!
Mini Author Workshop for Schools
One of the most common questions / comments I get about being a published author is “how do you BECOME an author” or “I want to be an author too!” There is literally no age cut off for these comments either (maybe worded differently- but you get what I mean).
So I created a workshop - for all ages! Find out more about this service I offer!
My biggest passion - talking about neuroinclusivity and neuroaffirming practices. Whether it’s schools, homes, or workplaces - I love to explain that accomodating for neurodivergent individuals doesn’t break the budget AND it is actually beneficial for all!
Tips, suggestions, Q+As, and a first hand, lived experience point of view presented lightly and fun.

"You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children."
— Madeleine L'Engle