Pricing & selling your self published book.
What price should you sell your book at? How do you find that price? How much do you earn selling books? All the final questions swirling in your head about selling your self published book, I hope I have answered here.
Illustrating your book or finding an Illustrator
Illustrating your children’s book can be just as daunting (if not more so) than writing the words. The illustrations hold A LOT of weight in picture books - so here’s my tips on getting started with illustrating or finding an illustrator.
BEWARE of vanity publishers!
What is a vanity publisher? Someone who is asking you for money to publish YOUR book! They justify the amount with hollow promises but trust me, you will not get what you think. Vanity publishers tend not to call themselves vanity publishers. Instead, they describe their services as 'joint venture publishing' or 'partnership publishing'.