Marketing your self-published book.
Everyone thinks that when you get your book into a physical printed product that the hard work is over, but that’s where it begins. Now its up to you to keep your self published book alive - because if you do not talk about it, nobody will know about it!

Illustrating your book or finding an Illustrator
Illustrating your children’s book can be just as daunting (if not more so) than writing the words. The illustrations hold A LOT of weight in picture books - so here’s my tips on getting started with illustrating or finding an illustrator.

Setting up your file to publish your book.
Setting up you file to print / self publish your amazing book can be harder (or at very least more confusing) than coming up with the idea of the book to begin with! At least for me it was anyway, so here is all the lessons I have learned about ISBNs, file sizes, page bleeds, etc.

Where do I print my self published books & why them?
You have the words written now to your amazing, important, and needed story. What next? Most people jump to art / illustrations but its time to do some back end administration in my opinion! Step 2 is finding out where and how you are going to print your books, let me give you an insight to my places and processes.